Here we've compiled a list of books to read that contain a bunch of information on beekeeping, bees and helping our bee-loved bees!
“Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture” by Ross Conrad
“The Life of the Bee” by Maurice Maeterlinck
“Robbing the Bees, A Biography of Honey- The Sweet Liquid Gold That Seduced the World” by Holley Bishop
“Bees” by Rudolf Steiner
“Wisdom of the bees” by Erik Berrevoets
“The Buzz about Bees, Biology of a Superorganism” by Prof. Dr. Juergen Tautz
“Toward Saving the Honey Bee” by Guenther Hauk
“The Sacred Bee” by Hilda M. Ransome
“The Shamanic Way of the Bees” by Simon Buxton
“Fruitless Fall” by Rowan Jacobsen